Please use #jainamandala and #bymimzan in social medias so I can find your lovely photos
If you like my design I would be happy if you buy me a cup of coffee ☕️
Jaina mandala
SIZE: 10 cm (15 cm with Catona, 3 mm hook)
YARN: Scheepjes Sweet Treat in 4 colors nr 130, 173, 208 and 247
HOOK: 1,75 mm
ACCESSORIES: Scissor and a needle.
ch – chain
sc – single crochet
slst – slip stitch
chsp – chain space
hdc – half double crochet
dc – double crochet
sk – skip
dc3tog – double crochet 2 together in given stitches/chsp
fpdc – front post double crochet. To make a front post stitch, you’ll insert your hook from the front to back and work around the post of the stitch. Complete the stitch as normal.
bpdc – back post double crochet. To make a backpost stitch, you’ll insert your hook from the back to front and work around the post of the stitch. Complete the stitch as normal.
bphdc – back post halfdouble crochet
*-* – repeat around
- Start the round with a standing stitch or with chains
- Total number of stitches between (-) at the end of the rounds
- Close each round with slst in first st or with and invisible join.
Color 1 – light blue nr 173 Color 2 – yellow nr 208
Color 3 – white nr 130 Color 4 – dark blue 247
Round 1: {Color 1} 12 dc in a magic ring. (12 dc)
Round 2: {Color 2} *dc3tog, ch 2*. (12 dc3tog, 12 chsp)
Round 3: {Color 3} *dc3tog in chsp, ch 2, 1 frpdc around dc3tog in previous round, ch 2*. (12 dc3tog, 12 frpdc, 24 chsp)
Round 4: {Color 1} *frpdc around frpdc in previous round, ch 2, bpdc around dc3tog in previous round, ch 2*. (12 frpdc, 12 bpdc, 24 chsp)
Round 5: {Color 4} *3 dc in chsp*. (72 dc)
Round 6: {Color 1} *frpdc around frpdc in round 4, sk 3 st, 7 dc between next 2 dc, sk 3 st*. (84 dc, 12 frpdc)
Round 7: {Color 4} *dc3tog in frpdc, sk 1 st, 5 bphdc, sk 1 st*. (12 dc3tog, 60 bphdc)
Round 8: {Color 1} Start in a dc3tog. *9 dc in same st, sk 2 st, 1 sc, sk 2 st*. (108 dc, 12 sc)
Happy Crocheting!
Marie 💙